We Continue to Work Towards “Zero Waste”
Invoking a Zen attitude of mind, we are inspired to work together in community and environmental consciousness towards making Zero Waste our reality. Our campaign is about causing minimal harm within and around us, consuming with awareness, taking Collective Responsibility, for the “wake” we leave behind. BE is a space to practice, imbibe and express this consciousness.
Join us to live the mantra: Reuse, Recycle, Reduce (your footprint)!
- Bring your own mug and enjoy beverage offerings at BE
- Before disposing garbage take a moment to consider reusing and recycling responsibly
- Care for mother Earth, use, consume and experience with care and gratitude
BE Kirtan Lovers!
October is overflowing with Prasadam, Chanting and Sacred Music!
Our First KIDS KIRTAN and Vedic Chanting Coming Up!
Date: Sunday, October 31st
Time: 10-12pm
We are looking forward to hosting our first kids-focused Kirtan and Vedic Chanting by kids from the Nithyananda Gurukul Bala Vidyalaya being conducted by Ma Sarayu on Sundays in Richmond. Weekly and monthly Nithyananda Gurukul classes and other Gurukul Kids Programs will also be starting at Bridge & Enrich soon. We will keep you posted. |
GPaC Sunday Kirtan for Peace and Love
Date: Sunday, October 18th
Time: 6:30pm
Give Peace a Chant will be offering our Sunday Kirtan. Chai and healthy snacks will be served.
More information here |
Satsang & Kirtan (with the Krishna Balaram Mandir)
Date: Sunday, October 25th
Time: 6:30pm-–8:30pm
Come and enjoy a spiritual evening with other positive people (satsang) as the Krishna Balaram Mandir offers their evening program to celebrate Love and Devotion to Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead in the Vedic tradition.
More information here |
Jaya Lakshmi & Ananda Yogiji (Altar of Love Weekend)
Date: Friday, October 30th at 6:00pm
6pm-10pm: Kirtan and Healing Mantra Music
with special guest openers Sacr3d
More information here
Date: Saturday, October 31st at 2:00pm
Mantra & Singing Workshop.
2pm-4pm: Singing and Mantra Workshop
6pm-10pm: Halloween Kirtronica~A Laser Light Mantra Dance
Opening with special guest DJ Ragunath Khe
More information here
Date: Sunday, November 1st
9am-11am: Kundalini Yoga and Meditation Workshop w/live music
1pm-3pm: Cacao Ceremony
More information here |
Here’s what else is on this month:
Ayurvedic Cleansing & Mind Calming Herbs at BE
Pancha Kriya Certified Organic Herbs are now available at B.E.
According to ancient Ayurvedic yogic practises, the two main herbs that are used daily for cleansing the system and balancing the vital energies are Neem Leaf and Haritaki Fruit.
Neem Leaf tea is used to clean the mouth , the intestines and detoxify the liver. It also promotes healthy hair + skin. |
Harataki Fruit tea nourishes all body tissues, improves digestion, promotes the absorption of nutrients, aids in expelling accumulated waste, increases oxygen levels in the blood up to 300% and activates the non-mechanical parts of the brain. For centuries Haritaki has been called “king of the medicines” by Ayurvedic healers.
For further information including other certified organic Ayurvedic herbs (Holy Basil/Tulsi, Triphala, Tumeric), please visit the YAHpothecary online. |
Nithyananda Satsang – UPANISHADS Demystified
Date: Saturdays October 17th and 24th
Time: 6:30pm–8:00pm
We will have satsang with the teachings of a living enlightened master, Paramahamsa Nithyananda via live two way video conferencing as he shares universal wisdom teachings with us.
More information here |
Demystifying Death: Relaxing into Death & Dying Conversations
Date: Friday, October 16th
Time: 7:00pm
We brainstorm about what would best support us in our work, AND what we would like to see evolve within our communities for a better pan-death experience.
More information here |
Weekend Meditation Retreat with Dharma Ocean
Date: Saturday, October 17th and Sunday, October 18th
Time: 9:30am–4:30pm (both days)
Senior Teacher Neil McKinlay will be offering a Vancouver retreat on the journey of embodiment – our essential journey as human beings – is one of uncertainty, discovery, and surprise.
More information here |
BE Movie Night
Date: Friday, October 23rd
Time: 6:30pm
Sharing video creations that remind us of who we are, inspire us to stretch to our peak potential of body, mind & spirit, provoke thought that transports us to the space of “Beyond Mind.” Please join us for a movie night with chai and fresh fruit offerings.
More information here |
Family Constellation Workshop with Jan Hull
Date: Saturday, October 24th
Time: 9:00am–5:00pm
Jan’s workshops are interactive and structured for actively doing and learning the work – because Systemic Constellation Work meets us where we live, in our bodies and in relationships. This tool cuts to the core where other modalities can fall short.
More information here |
Introducing the GURUKUL system of Education for Children
Date: Sunday, October 31st
Time: 10-12pm
Gurukul is a place where celebration begins with right words in the blossoming minds creating a gateway of possibilities- Creating an enlightened civilization with yogic body and vedic mind. We will introduce possibilities to parents interested in a once a week after-school program or a once a month weekend program that will be based on the Nithyananda Gurukul School currently being run in Bidadi, India, the Nithyananda Gurukul. |
Sivananda Yoga Teacher Training Program
We are honoured to be a platform for the Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre to be offering their 200 and 300 hour Yoga Teacher Training Program for the months of October and November.
More information here |
Our Weekly Classes: We invite you check them out!