What is Kapha?

Kapha is principally a combination of Earth and
Water and is the energy that forms the body’s structure, and
provides the “glue” or cohesion that holds the cells together.
Kapha supplies the water for all bodily parts and systems. It
lubricates joints, moisturizes the skin and maintains immunity. In
balance, kapha is expressed as love, calmness, and forgiveness.
Out of balance, it leads to attachment, greed, possessiveness,
and congestive disorders.

—Ayurveda teaching on KAPHA (Dr. Lad explains)-

Kapha is one of the three doshas—energetic forces of nature that compose the universe and everything in it. Considered the most “grounded” of the doshas, kapha shares qualities with the elements of water and earth, providing the body with stability and grace. Personality-wise, kapha characteristics include compassion, calmness, and resilience. (Also, many people seek out kapha-types as friends due to their loyal dispositions and tendency to give great hugs!) Excess kapha can cause the body, mind, and emotions to feel heavy, bogged down, or stuck in a routine. A kapha imbalance can happen to anyone, regardless of their Ayurvedic constitution or body type.

❀ Think you might have a kapha imbalance or want to discover your dosha? Take this quiz: http://bit.ly/banyan-take-the-quiz

❀ Learn more about doshas on this website: https://www.banyanbotanicals.com/pages/ayurvedic-vata-pitta-and-kapha

Check out the other videos from this series:

❀ What Are the Doshas?    • What Are the Doshas? | Ayurveda Expla…   

❀ What Is Vata?    • What Is Vata? | Ayurveda Explained   

❀ What Is Pitta?    • What Is Pitta? | Ayurveda Explained   

❀ What Is Kapha?    • What Is Kapha? | Ayurveda Explained