This Summer at BE
We prepare to wind down until the new school year, with fewer special events scheduled for July and August and only some weekly classes continuing through the summer months (listed below). We will send you an update on Fall events as we near the end of August giving a chance for the space to rest, be repaired and cared for in those forgotten corners…
Nearing Summer Solstice, June 21st,and we have already been host some amazing events. Thank you to everyone who came out and to those who helped organize! We were pleased to welcome the following offeringse this month:
- Naad and Gandharva Loka’s Fundraiser for Nepal
- Shakti Dance Society’s Student Bharat Natyam Performance
- Weila Wu’s Pranayama & Kundalini Yoga Workshop
- Our First Single Mother’s Cooking Class
- Satsang and Kirtan with the Krishna Balaram Mandir
- Dharma Ocean Retreat with Neil McKinlay
- Experience Nithyananda
Please note: We will be closed twice in June for private events: June 26th for our Practitioners Gathering and June 29th for a friend’s wedding. We will also be closed for BC Day (August 3rd) and Labour Day (September 7th) as they are statutory holidays falling on Mondays.