Silent Meditation Quotes
Thought-provoking quotes inspired by our weekly online meditation gathering.
Yoga begins with the choice to develop self-control and continues when we learn to act without grasping to specific outcomes. Discipline is the cessation of (afflicted) mental activities. —Yogasūtra 1.2—
Heart in Yoga and Ayurveda is called Anahata Chakra. It is a shy lotus looking down into the abdominal cavity. It is a most vital organ and the abode of […]
This breath contains everything you need. Trust that each small step is leading you closer to your truth. In the quiet reflections of this journey I have discovered a simple […]
Happy New Year!What is the purpose of our existence? Happiness.We are born out of happiness and we are an expression of happiness. We are also an instrument that is very […]
Every day is a new day. This day will never come again. So how can we live fully, completely, and totally in harmony with this moment, with this day? Dinacharya […]
Nothing can truly affect our true nature and it is thoughts that create the illusion thatfear has such unpleasant powers. Rupert Spira
The channel of the mind is rooted in the heart.The mind is only one but due to its association with many sense organs, it appears as many.Oneness and minuteness are […]
This being human is a guest house.Every morning a new arrival.A joy, a depression, a meanness, some momentary awareness comes as an unexpected visitor. Welcome and entertain them all! Even […]
By prāṇāyāma, the mind becomes fit for concentration,contemplation, and meditation. Yogasūtra 2.53
Pride and Inadequacy are two sides of one coin. Zen Master Roshi Jiyu Kennett
Awe is all around us. With a little intentionality, we can reclaim our sense of wonder in the everyday, ordinary moments of life. Perhaps awe, while an ordinary response to […]
Thoughts disentangle themselves, passing over lips and through pencil tips. Michael Hyatt
From an attitude of true contentment (Santosha), unexcelled happiness, mental comfort, joy and satisfaction, are obtained. Yoga Sutras of Patanjali on True Contentment
Grasping, craving or desire, anger, sloth, restlessness, and doubt—these are the known as the Five Hinderances to Medin Buddhism. In this dharma talk excerpt, Ayya Anandabodhi explains in-depth each of […]
When fire and water combine, they create steam. Fire is hot, mobile and sharp and water is liquid and “oily. These are “pitta” qualities known to govern the workings of […]
Now do you understand what Silence is, it is being Still, ceasing your efforts to make things happen…no sooner do the bodily eyes close, than the soul is wrapped in […]
In recognizing the eternal unconditioned awareness that is our true self, we unlock the door to the infinite, the eternal, the divine, the very essence of timeless teachings…in doing so, […]
Becoming your own therapist means examining your own mental attitudes and understanding the nature of your own mind (your thoughts, emotions, and behaviours). Understanding the nature of your own mind […]
Awareness, like space, does not discriminate one against the other, pushing this away and only wanting this. Can you feel yourself as this quality of welcoming neither pushing away nor […]
Sometimes called yogic sleep, yoga nidra is defined by some as “a kind of deep sleep in which you don’t lose consciousness.” As well as creating a more restorative state […]
With the practice of Yoga Nidra, every day you will become more sensitive to tension, and every day you will be better able to drop it. Annie Payson Call, Power […]
The basic energy in the world is just that – fire. So using fire as a way of keeping ourselves well is very much a part of the Yogic system. […]
Glimpses of love and joy or brief moments of deep peace are possible whenever a gap occurs in the stream of thought. For most people, such gaps happen rarely and […]
Akasha (space) offers the space and freedom for each cell and organism to exist. Without space, there is no possibility for communiucation among the cells. Akasa predominates in all spaces […]
The Sanskrit word for “fire,” agni is viewed as the very source of life, governing not only the digestion of food but also the digestion process of thoughts, emotions, and […]
When sound, breath, and awareness come together, it becomes light… So Hum meditation properly practiced leads to the union of the individual with the universal Cosmic Consciousness. You will go […]
Single handedly, what is the root cause, the infectious thing that creates a disease of the soiling of the environment, water, soil, air? To my understanding, one fundamental thing if […]
Highlights from our previous gathering Single handedly, what is the root cause, the infectious thing that creates a disease of the soiling of the environment, water, soil, air? To my […]
Although consciousness looks through your eyes, it does not mean it is located behind your eyes. Where could it be located? Rupert Spira
No no no. There is no difference between the peace and sound.Sound is peace and peace is sound, There is a great deal of peacewhen you listen to the call […]
All apparently separate selves are always tending towards their source, their being, seeking peace, happiness, love and beauty.In reality, of course, there is no real separate self either to seek […]
If I deny the experience of consciousness, I deny the existence of a perceiver. Where does the sense of I come from? Francis Lucille
Maybe we can just marvel at the efforts of people over millennia, from the Buddha sitting under the Bodhi tree to the modern philosopher and neuroscientist who has asked themselves […]
Like a door or a pathway, activating a marma energy point, opens into the inner pharmacy of the body. The body is a silent, universal, biochemical laboratory—operating every moment to […]
Like a door or a pathway, activating a marma energy point, opens into the inner pharmacy of the body. The body is a silent, universal, biochemical laboratory—operating every moment to […]
“Shining Skull Breath” Kapalabhati invigorates the brain and awakens the dormant centres which areresponsible for subtle perception. Hatha Yoga Pradipika
Though air and ether (Vata) imbalance in our bodies, diseases are innumerable. And amongst the eighty diseases that are the most commonly manifested with a vata imbalance, constipation, depression, sleeplessness […]
The teaching is in the silent transmission. Francis Lucille
Autumn is a time when the air element (vayu) is predominant. There is more lightness, dryness and coolness as the “winds of change” blow ever more erratically. These qualities in […]
“I have the power to enable silence.” — John Marshall, Lakota Tradition
“You don’t convince anyone by arguing.People make their decisions in their heart.Talk doesn’t touch my heart.People should think of their words like seeds. They should plant them, then let them […]
“The experience of love is really the understanding that you and I are are the same being, that your being and my being is the same being. The understanding that […]
“When you have that level of awareness, the meaning of suffering changes and all suffering is showing you is where your mind is still clinging.” — Ram Dass
“Heaviness of body and dullness of mind which can drag one down into inertia and depression is considered one of the five hindrances to Shamatha meditation. Any problem which arises […]
“The basis of Right Action is to do everything in mindfulness.” — Thich Nhat Hahn
“It is never what you do which entangles you. It is the expectation of what you should get which entangles you.” — Sadhguru on the Bhagwad Gita
“So’ham is a Vedic mantra or chant meaning “I am That”….”I am what She/He is” — It means identifying oneself with the universe or ultimate reality or awareness.” — Incl. Max […]
“All this petty worry while the great cloak of the sky grows dark and intense ‘round every living thing. What is precious inside us does not care to be known […]
“When you feel depressed, what is to be done? Simply go back to your essential nature. Trace your way back, disentangle yourself from the content of experience in which you have lost yourself—in your own activity of thinking […]
“You are Awareness. In Awareness you are aware of the thoughts and feelings in the mind. Through the thoughts and feelings in the mind, you are aware of the body with […]
“There are two types of silence: the absence of sound and thought, and the silence behind that absence, or the silence behind the silence. Rest as that. Notice the expectation: […]
“Listen completely to the call of a bird, the cry of a child. Listen to every sound that comes to you, without liking it, disliking it or judging it. When peace listens to […]
“Just sitting, with no deliberate thought, is the important aspect of serene reflection meditation.” — Dogen Zenji
“Life always gives us exactly the teacher we need at every moment. This includes every mosquito, every misfortune, every red light, every traffic jam, every obnoxious supervisor (or employee), every illness, every loss, every […]
“The humming sound of Brāhmarī or Bee’s breath, unfolds the ether element in all bodily channels so life energy, prāna, can flow freely. It soothes the nerves and calms the mind.” — Yogatattvopanishad
“Don’t try to be the fastest —Don’t compete with others” — Slogan from Lojong Practice
“No thought, no reflection, no analysis, No cultivation, no intention; Let it settle itself.” — “Six Precepts” of Tilopa
“The life of all living things is food and all the world seeks food. Complexion, clarity, good voice, long life, understanding, happiness, satisfaction, growth, strength and intelligence are all established […]
“The relationships we can develop with the natural world can help us to heal our wounds of disconnection.“ — Anna Breytenbach, How To Hear What Nature Is Saying
“If you want peace my child, always seek to have less rather than more.“ — Swami Sarvapriyanda paraphrasing a teaching of Christ
“Every house has a shadow, every tree has a shadow, and without a shadow there is no light and without light there is no shadow…This moment is meditation.“ — Vasant […]
“Unless you pull the bow, the arrow of thought cannot fly.“ — Vasant Lad (“Strands of Eternity”)
“Maybe you can’t go out and serve the whole world, it doesn’t matter. At least walk joyfully. If you walk joyfully on this planet, suddenly you see the whole world […]
“I will not cling to he eye; the ear; the nose; the tongue; the body; the mindand my consciousness will not be dependent on the eye; the ear; the nose; […]
“The Buddha said, “Monks, if you make diligent effort, nothing is too difficult. That’s why you should do so. It is like a thread of water piercing through a rock by […]
“Effort is just what Grace (Awareness) looks like, from the point of view of the separate self…. So there is no conflict between making efforts and grace. We feel the efforts […]
“Ultimate truth is wordless. The silence within the silence.“ — Pirkei Avot
“Just sitting, neither trying to think nor trying not to think, is the important aspect of Serene Reflection Meditation.“ — Dogen Zenji
“If you look for consciousness, you will never find it…because consciousness itself is the one that is looking…Misery is in the mind. You are not happy or miserable, you are […]
“I have found the animals and the natural world at large to have been my greatest spiritual teacher…even in the context of sitting for over 10 years with a Sangha…If what […]
“They were only the stimulus. The stimulus does not create my response. I am the creator of my response…I have a choice always, and with everyone….Every time my mind (blames and) says […]
“I was exposed enough not just to my personal death but to the endings of fellow humans by the hundreds. And the consequence of that has been that I “long” […]
“See if you can articulate the same thing in half the number of words. Suddenly you will become extremely conscious of everything!“ — Sadhguru, The Importance of SILENCE
“The blurring of boundaries, moving self, changing space, are Japanese spatial concepts steeped in the framework of this mind-body-space relationship that explain why Japanese gardens, tea rooms, and temples seem […]
“When looking at autumn mountains through mist, the view may be indistinct, yet have great. depth.“ — Kamo-No Chomei, 12th century
“Thought, when dissolving in understanding, leads to Truth, feeling leads to Love, and sensation leads to Beauty. The sole purpose of any object that evokes such truth, love, or beauty […]
“Just sitting, neither trying to think nor trying not to think, is the important aspect of Serene Reflection Meditation.” — Dogen Zenji
“When we realize that something is missing, that’s exactly when we begin our spiritual journey.“ — Dogen Zenji
“Hello, darkness, my old friendI’ve come to talk with you againBecause a vision softly creepingLeft its seeds while I was sleepingAnd the vision that was planted in my brainStill remainsWithin […]
“If you put something in front of a mirror it looks like the reflection is in the mirror but the mirror is uncontaminated. Similarly we want to have the clarity of […]
“If you have less of a menu in your mind, if you’ve got less of an agenda and lesser fixed ways of doing things, then the freshness of the moment […]
“Liberation from the need to be Liberated.“ — Paul Hedderman Paul invites us to notice how the mind’s irritability, restlessness, and discomfort arise from the false notion of what’s not […]
“You are never in a relationship with your beloved, you are always in a relationship with love. You cannot lose the love except by shutting it down yourself.“ — Rumi, […]
“Raven comes from West Coast Major Mythology. Raven is the Hero-Trickster, and stories abound… Raven helps humanity evolve and solve conflicts to bring balance. Raven brings the Light. In today’s […]
“You should know love is not just an emotion. It is your very being, it is the core of your existence. So there is not a single being on this […]
“A Buddha is someone who is enlightened, capable of loving and forgiving. You know that at times you’re like that. So enjoy being a Buddha.” — Thích Nhất Hạnh, “Your […]
“If we were to design an AI program to read all the texts and scriptures of all the great religious and spiritual traditions over the last 3000 years or so […]
“The wonderful irony about the spiritual journey is that we find it only leads us to become just as we are. That the exalted state of enlightenment is nothing more […]
“I wonder what we mean by a new year. Is it a fresh year, a year that is totally afresh, something that has never happened before?… This is rather an […]
“Let me give you a wonderful Zen practice. Wake up in the morning…look in the mirror, and laugh at yourself.” — Bernie Glassman
“This vast literature…Upanishads and their commentaries and sub commentaries and sub sub commentaries and multiple magnificent structures of philosophies built upon it…they all reduce to OM and especially the SILENCE […]
“If our mind is headed in a direction that we know is leading to suffering and is already causing suffering, we need some emergency measures. And mantra is just such […]
“The best contribution you can make to humanity…is to recognize your true nature and its inherent peace.“ — Rupert Spira
“The most important thing about the teaching of rebirth is that life continues. That there is more to our lives than the little span of time between birth and death. […]
“In silence, there is a total disappearance of the ego.“ — Jean Klein
“Just sitting, with no deliberate thought, is the important aspect of serene reflection meditation.“ — Dogen
“Every form in the creation has a corresponding sound. Sound is of the surface, silence is of the core. A space that is beyond creation, life and death, is referred […]
“Just sitting, with no deliberate thought, is the important aspect of serene reflection meditation.” — Dogen Zenji
Rumi (the Book of Love), on Opening Up “What was said to the rose that made it open was said to me here in my chest.” Swami Sarvapriyananda on Purpose […]
Yoga begins with the choice to develop self-control and continues when we learn to act without grasping to specific outcomes. Discipline is the cessation of (afflicted) mental activities. —Yogasūtra 1.2—
Heart in Yoga and Ayurveda is called Anahata Chakra. It is a shy lotus looking down into the abdominal cavity. It is a most vital organ and the abode of […]
This breath contains everything you need. Trust that each small step is leading you closer to your truth. In the quiet reflections of this journey I have discovered a simple […]
Happy New Year!What is the purpose of our existence? Happiness.We are born out of happiness and we are an expression of happiness. We are also an instrument that is very […]
Every day is a new day. This day will never come again. So how can we live fully, completely, and totally in harmony with this moment, with this day? Dinacharya […]
Nothing can truly affect our true nature and it is thoughts that create the illusion thatfear has such unpleasant powers. Rupert Spira
The channel of the mind is rooted in the heart.The mind is only one but due to its association with many sense organs, it appears as many.Oneness and minuteness are […]
This being human is a guest house.Every morning a new arrival.A joy, a depression, a meanness, some momentary awareness comes as an unexpected visitor. Welcome and entertain them all! Even […]
By prāṇāyāma, the mind becomes fit for concentration,contemplation, and meditation. Yogasūtra 2.53
Pride and Inadequacy are two sides of one coin. Zen Master Roshi Jiyu Kennett
Awe is all around us. With a little intentionality, we can reclaim our sense of wonder in the everyday, ordinary moments of life. Perhaps awe, while an ordinary response to […]
Thoughts disentangle themselves, passing over lips and through pencil tips. Michael Hyatt
From an attitude of true contentment (Santosha), unexcelled happiness, mental comfort, joy and satisfaction, are obtained. Yoga Sutras of Patanjali on True Contentment
Grasping, craving or desire, anger, sloth, restlessness, and doubt—these are the known as the Five Hinderances to Medin Buddhism. In this dharma talk excerpt, Ayya Anandabodhi explains in-depth each of […]
When fire and water combine, they create steam. Fire is hot, mobile and sharp and water is liquid and “oily. These are “pitta” qualities known to govern the workings of […]
Now do you understand what Silence is, it is being Still, ceasing your efforts to make things happen…no sooner do the bodily eyes close, than the soul is wrapped in […]
In recognizing the eternal unconditioned awareness that is our true self, we unlock the door to the infinite, the eternal, the divine, the very essence of timeless teachings…in doing so, […]
Becoming your own therapist means examining your own mental attitudes and understanding the nature of your own mind (your thoughts, emotions, and behaviours). Understanding the nature of your own mind […]
Awareness, like space, does not discriminate one against the other, pushing this away and only wanting this. Can you feel yourself as this quality of welcoming neither pushing away nor […]
Sometimes called yogic sleep, yoga nidra is defined by some as “a kind of deep sleep in which you don’t lose consciousness.” As well as creating a more restorative state […]
With the practice of Yoga Nidra, every day you will become more sensitive to tension, and every day you will be better able to drop it. Annie Payson Call, Power […]
The basic energy in the world is just that – fire. So using fire as a way of keeping ourselves well is very much a part of the Yogic system. […]
Glimpses of love and joy or brief moments of deep peace are possible whenever a gap occurs in the stream of thought. For most people, such gaps happen rarely and […]
Akasha (space) offers the space and freedom for each cell and organism to exist. Without space, there is no possibility for communiucation among the cells. Akasa predominates in all spaces […]
The Sanskrit word for “fire,” agni is viewed as the very source of life, governing not only the digestion of food but also the digestion process of thoughts, emotions, and […]
When sound, breath, and awareness come together, it becomes light… So Hum meditation properly practiced leads to the union of the individual with the universal Cosmic Consciousness. You will go […]
Single handedly, what is the root cause, the infectious thing that creates a disease of the soiling of the environment, water, soil, air? To my understanding, one fundamental thing if […]
Highlights from our previous gathering Single handedly, what is the root cause, the infectious thing that creates a disease of the soiling of the environment, water, soil, air? To my […]
Although consciousness looks through your eyes, it does not mean it is located behind your eyes. Where could it be located? Rupert Spira
No no no. There is no difference between the peace and sound.Sound is peace and peace is sound, There is a great deal of peacewhen you listen to the call […]
All apparently separate selves are always tending towards their source, their being, seeking peace, happiness, love and beauty.In reality, of course, there is no real separate self either to seek […]
If I deny the experience of consciousness, I deny the existence of a perceiver. Where does the sense of I come from? Francis Lucille
Maybe we can just marvel at the efforts of people over millennia, from the Buddha sitting under the Bodhi tree to the modern philosopher and neuroscientist who has asked themselves […]
Like a door or a pathway, activating a marma energy point, opens into the inner pharmacy of the body. The body is a silent, universal, biochemical laboratory—operating every moment to […]
Like a door or a pathway, activating a marma energy point, opens into the inner pharmacy of the body. The body is a silent, universal, biochemical laboratory—operating every moment to […]
“Shining Skull Breath” Kapalabhati invigorates the brain and awakens the dormant centres which areresponsible for subtle perception. Hatha Yoga Pradipika
Though air and ether (Vata) imbalance in our bodies, diseases are innumerable. And amongst the eighty diseases that are the most commonly manifested with a vata imbalance, constipation, depression, sleeplessness […]
The teaching is in the silent transmission. Francis Lucille
Autumn is a time when the air element (vayu) is predominant. There is more lightness, dryness and coolness as the “winds of change” blow ever more erratically. These qualities in […]
“I have the power to enable silence.” — John Marshall, Lakota Tradition
“You don’t convince anyone by arguing.People make their decisions in their heart.Talk doesn’t touch my heart.People should think of their words like seeds. They should plant them, then let them […]
“The experience of love is really the understanding that you and I are are the same being, that your being and my being is the same being. The understanding that […]
“When you have that level of awareness, the meaning of suffering changes and all suffering is showing you is where your mind is still clinging.” — Ram Dass
“Heaviness of body and dullness of mind which can drag one down into inertia and depression is considered one of the five hindrances to Shamatha meditation. Any problem which arises […]
“The basis of Right Action is to do everything in mindfulness.” — Thich Nhat Hahn
“It is never what you do which entangles you. It is the expectation of what you should get which entangles you.” — Sadhguru on the Bhagwad Gita
“So’ham is a Vedic mantra or chant meaning “I am That”….”I am what She/He is” — It means identifying oneself with the universe or ultimate reality or awareness.” — Incl. Max […]
“All this petty worry while the great cloak of the sky grows dark and intense ‘round every living thing. What is precious inside us does not care to be known […]
“When you feel depressed, what is to be done? Simply go back to your essential nature. Trace your way back, disentangle yourself from the content of experience in which you have lost yourself—in your own activity of thinking […]
“You are Awareness. In Awareness you are aware of the thoughts and feelings in the mind. Through the thoughts and feelings in the mind, you are aware of the body with […]
“There are two types of silence: the absence of sound and thought, and the silence behind that absence, or the silence behind the silence. Rest as that. Notice the expectation: […]
“Listen completely to the call of a bird, the cry of a child. Listen to every sound that comes to you, without liking it, disliking it or judging it. When peace listens to […]
“Just sitting, with no deliberate thought, is the important aspect of serene reflection meditation.” — Dogen Zenji
“Life always gives us exactly the teacher we need at every moment. This includes every mosquito, every misfortune, every red light, every traffic jam, every obnoxious supervisor (or employee), every illness, every loss, every […]
“The humming sound of Brāhmarī or Bee’s breath, unfolds the ether element in all bodily channels so life energy, prāna, can flow freely. It soothes the nerves and calms the mind.” — Yogatattvopanishad
“Don’t try to be the fastest —Don’t compete with others” — Slogan from Lojong Practice
“No thought, no reflection, no analysis, No cultivation, no intention; Let it settle itself.” — “Six Precepts” of Tilopa
“The life of all living things is food and all the world seeks food. Complexion, clarity, good voice, long life, understanding, happiness, satisfaction, growth, strength and intelligence are all established […]
“The relationships we can develop with the natural world can help us to heal our wounds of disconnection.“ — Anna Breytenbach, How To Hear What Nature Is Saying
“If you want peace my child, always seek to have less rather than more.“ — Swami Sarvapriyanda paraphrasing a teaching of Christ
“Every house has a shadow, every tree has a shadow, and without a shadow there is no light and without light there is no shadow…This moment is meditation.“ — Vasant […]
“Unless you pull the bow, the arrow of thought cannot fly.“ — Vasant Lad (“Strands of Eternity”)
“Maybe you can’t go out and serve the whole world, it doesn’t matter. At least walk joyfully. If you walk joyfully on this planet, suddenly you see the whole world […]
“I will not cling to he eye; the ear; the nose; the tongue; the body; the mindand my consciousness will not be dependent on the eye; the ear; the nose; […]
“The Buddha said, “Monks, if you make diligent effort, nothing is too difficult. That’s why you should do so. It is like a thread of water piercing through a rock by […]
“Effort is just what Grace (Awareness) looks like, from the point of view of the separate self…. So there is no conflict between making efforts and grace. We feel the efforts […]
“Ultimate truth is wordless. The silence within the silence.“ — Pirkei Avot
“Just sitting, neither trying to think nor trying not to think, is the important aspect of Serene Reflection Meditation.“ — Dogen Zenji
“If you look for consciousness, you will never find it…because consciousness itself is the one that is looking…Misery is in the mind. You are not happy or miserable, you are […]
“I have found the animals and the natural world at large to have been my greatest spiritual teacher…even in the context of sitting for over 10 years with a Sangha…If what […]
“They were only the stimulus. The stimulus does not create my response. I am the creator of my response…I have a choice always, and with everyone….Every time my mind (blames and) says […]
“I was exposed enough not just to my personal death but to the endings of fellow humans by the hundreds. And the consequence of that has been that I “long” […]
“See if you can articulate the same thing in half the number of words. Suddenly you will become extremely conscious of everything!“ — Sadhguru, The Importance of SILENCE
“The blurring of boundaries, moving self, changing space, are Japanese spatial concepts steeped in the framework of this mind-body-space relationship that explain why Japanese gardens, tea rooms, and temples seem […]
“When looking at autumn mountains through mist, the view may be indistinct, yet have great. depth.“ — Kamo-No Chomei, 12th century
“Thought, when dissolving in understanding, leads to Truth, feeling leads to Love, and sensation leads to Beauty. The sole purpose of any object that evokes such truth, love, or beauty […]
“Just sitting, neither trying to think nor trying not to think, is the important aspect of Serene Reflection Meditation.” — Dogen Zenji
“When we realize that something is missing, that’s exactly when we begin our spiritual journey.“ — Dogen Zenji
“Hello, darkness, my old friendI’ve come to talk with you againBecause a vision softly creepingLeft its seeds while I was sleepingAnd the vision that was planted in my brainStill remainsWithin […]
“If you put something in front of a mirror it looks like the reflection is in the mirror but the mirror is uncontaminated. Similarly we want to have the clarity of […]
“If you have less of a menu in your mind, if you’ve got less of an agenda and lesser fixed ways of doing things, then the freshness of the moment […]
“Liberation from the need to be Liberated.“ — Paul Hedderman Paul invites us to notice how the mind’s irritability, restlessness, and discomfort arise from the false notion of what’s not […]
“You are never in a relationship with your beloved, you are always in a relationship with love. You cannot lose the love except by shutting it down yourself.“ — Rumi, […]
“Raven comes from West Coast Major Mythology. Raven is the Hero-Trickster, and stories abound… Raven helps humanity evolve and solve conflicts to bring balance. Raven brings the Light. In today’s […]
“You should know love is not just an emotion. It is your very being, it is the core of your existence. So there is not a single being on this […]
“A Buddha is someone who is enlightened, capable of loving and forgiving. You know that at times you’re like that. So enjoy being a Buddha.” — Thích Nhất Hạnh, “Your […]
“If we were to design an AI program to read all the texts and scriptures of all the great religious and spiritual traditions over the last 3000 years or so […]
“The wonderful irony about the spiritual journey is that we find it only leads us to become just as we are. That the exalted state of enlightenment is nothing more […]
“I wonder what we mean by a new year. Is it a fresh year, a year that is totally afresh, something that has never happened before?… This is rather an […]
“Let me give you a wonderful Zen practice. Wake up in the morning…look in the mirror, and laugh at yourself.” — Bernie Glassman
“This vast literature…Upanishads and their commentaries and sub commentaries and sub sub commentaries and multiple magnificent structures of philosophies built upon it…they all reduce to OM and especially the SILENCE […]
“If our mind is headed in a direction that we know is leading to suffering and is already causing suffering, we need some emergency measures. And mantra is just such […]
“The best contribution you can make to humanity…is to recognize your true nature and its inherent peace.“ — Rupert Spira
“The most important thing about the teaching of rebirth is that life continues. That there is more to our lives than the little span of time between birth and death. […]
“In silence, there is a total disappearance of the ego.“ — Jean Klein
“Just sitting, with no deliberate thought, is the important aspect of serene reflection meditation.“ — Dogen
“Every form in the creation has a corresponding sound. Sound is of the surface, silence is of the core. A space that is beyond creation, life and death, is referred […]
“Just sitting, with no deliberate thought, is the important aspect of serene reflection meditation.” — Dogen Zenji
Rumi (the Book of Love), on Opening Up “What was said to the rose that made it open was said to me here in my chest.” Swami Sarvapriyananda on Purpose […]