Silent Meditation Reflections
Highlights and discussions from our weekly Silent Meditation online gatherings, with a sprinkling of Ayurveda!
This breath contains everything you need. Trust that each small step is leading you closer to your truth. In the quiet reflections of this journey I have discovered a simple […]
“The other kind of profound meditation comes from faith (confidence), courage, mindfulness, integrity and wisdom.”— Yogasūtra 1.20 — “Yogins adopt this means. Tranquility that is experienced by the mind through reverential […]
Heart in Yoga and Ayurveda is called Anahata Chakra. It is a shy lotus looking down into the abdominal cavity. It is a most vital organ and the abode of […]
CONCEIT: She speaks about conceit where there are several meanings to the word and one meaning is it is an idea , a conception. Nowadays we tend to think of conceit […]
Modern Psychology adoptions of practices from traditions of Buddhism, Vedic teachings and more. MINDFULNESS BASED COGNITIVE THERAPY (MBCT) SELF ACCEPTANCE – MEDITATION ON LETTING GO 1. During meditation exercises, emphasize acceptance […]
Every day is a new day. This day will never come again. So how can we live fully, completely, and totally in harmony with this moment, with this day? Dinacharya […]
The mind is only one but due to its association with many sense organs, it appears as many.Oneness and minuteness are the qualities of mind. Charaka Samhita, Sutrasthana, Foundational text […]
“What is our relationship with holding a grudge, with not being able to let go of our anger at someone, or our jealousy and pride and lust and craving, wanting, […]
Nothing can truly affect our true nature and it is thoughts that create the illusion thatfear has such unpleasant powers. Rupert Spira Meditation on Fear and Anxiety Fear and anxiety […]
Michael Johnson is a compelling mix of creative yoga instructor and curious student of the mind. The root of his interest in meditation lies in its ability to help with neurological […]
CONCEIT: She speaks about conceit where there are several meanings to the word and one meaning is it is an idea , a conception. Nowadays we tend to think of conceit […]
From an attitude of true contentment (Santosha), unexcelled happiness, mental comfort, joy and satisfaction, are obtained. Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
Awe is all around us. With a little intentionality, we can reclaim our sense of wonder in the everyday, ordinary moments of life. Perhaps awe, while an ordinary response to […]
THE YAMAS OF PATANJALI: The First Step on the Path to Self-Realization “Yama” in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras represents the foundation of yogic ethics, providing a framework for cultivating a compassionate […]
Thoughts disentangle themselves, passing over lips andthrough pencil tips. Michael Hyatt on Journalling How can journalling help us with Yamas? Unprocessed, undigested thoughts and emotions are the root cause underlying […]
Madame Guyon_ Attentive Silence as a Counterpractice for a Digital Age Now do you understand what Silence is, it is being Still, ceasing your efforts to make things happen…no […]
Yama and Niyama from the Yoga sutras remind us of what not to do – Yama (stealing, being violent, being greedy, speakin untruth) and what conditions help – Niyama (like […]
The Buddhist tradition notes five main obstacles during meditation. These challenges distract the meditator from the meditation technique. These hindrances sidetrack the mind away from present moment awareness, preventing relaxation […]
Kapha is principally a combination of Earth andWater and is the energy that forms the body’s structure, andprovides the “glue” or cohesion that holds the cells together.Kapha supplies the water […]
Kapha is principally a combination of Earth and Water and is the energy that forms the body’s structure, and provides the “glue” or cohesion that holds the cells together. Kapha […]
In recognizing the eternal unconditioned awareness that is our true self, we unlock the door to the infinite, the eternal, the divine, the very essence of timeless teachings…in doing so, […]
The Buddha said there is nothign to fear Rev. Meian Ebert, Shasta Abbey All fears culiminate in the fear of death. This is our spiritual journey, remembering our true nature […]
Becoming your own therapist means examining your own mental attitudes and understanding the nature of your own mind (your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors). Understanding the nature of your own mind […]
Glimpses of love and joy or brief moments of deep peace are possible whenever a gap occurs in the stream of thought. For most people, such gaps happen rarely and […]
With the practice of Yoga Nidra, every day you will become more sensitive to tension, and every day you will be better able to drop it. Annie Payson Call, Power […]
Akasha (space) offers the space and freedom for each cell and organism to exist. Without space, there is no possibility for communiucation among the cells. Akasa predominates in all spaces […]
The basic energy in the world is just that – fire. So using fire as a way of keeping ourselves well is very much a part of the Yogic system. […]
Single handedly, what is the root cause, the infectious thing that creates a disease of the soiling of the environment, water, soil, air? To my understanding, one fundamental thing if […]
He discusses our relationship to silence and how to practice living in awareness without judgement or desire. Once we are able to live moment to moment without the afflictions of […]
In this body, a microcosm reflecting the macrocosm,the vertebral column (also referred to as Mt Meru) is surrounded by seven islands;there are rivers, seas, mountains, fields; and energies governing these […]
Although consciousness looks through your eyes, it does not mean it is located behind your eyes. Where could it be located? Rupert Spira We watched Rupert Spira speak on the difference […]
Many blessings of the New Year! 2024 is here and we are filled with the aspirations and potential of what newness holds. Although we are in the midst and depths […]
Who or what is doing the experiencing, of our lives? This experiencing “I” in the question “Who am I?” Maybe we can just marvel at the efforts of people over […]
When we walk through a forest path, there is a vibration sent out that is a form of communication, a form of language. When we enter a forest, it is […]
MARMA POINTS Murdhini: Moment to moment awareness, another tool in our spiritual tool belt. (sister tradition with Acupressure points). Acupuncture and Patricks story as well as Emily – car accidents, […]
We were meant to listen to this video last week but ran out of time….here it is…for todays session. “And like a door or a pathway, activating a marma energy […]
We continued developing a sequence of 8 Breathworks:Daily Pranayama:1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th in the sequence practiced today. We continue our practice together – more tools in our tool belt!We […]
The Sanskrit word Ayurveda translates to āyuh, life, and veda, knowledge or science. It is an ancient healing system rooted in India that has been practiced for thousands of years. Ayurveda’s scope encompasses all realms: […]
On the occasion of the death of a beloved pet – Wednesday, Jill’s companion, dog, we sat in silence, her presence palpable. Sending love and peace to Jill and her […]
More of a rhetorical question, shared this evening. Giving ourselves the space and time to transcend space and time, to just BE, remembering our true nature, to rest in the […]
(Sharing from a newsletter from Ayurprana) The beauty of Ayurveda is that it allows for the concept of rest and resting to be different for each person, with each of […]
“Shining Skull Breath” Kapalabhati invigorates the brain and awakens the dormant centres which are responsible for subtle perception. Hatha Yoga Pradipika Definition: Kapalabhati is the “skull shining” breath -a dynamic […]
Dwell contemplating the body in the body, ardent, clearly comprehending, unified, with concentrated one-pointed mind, in order to know the body as it really is. Dwell contemplating feeling in feelings… […]
Enryu took us through a meditation on Nava Rasas moving through the experience of each rasa (a practice in Indian Classical Temple Dance, taken from the Vedic teachings).Rasa means juice or flavour […]
Have you found yourself nodding off during meditation? Dullness or sleepiness are inherent experiences – experience, acknowledge but not to get caught in. Habit formed in long time members…with awareness, […]
A very warm welcome back to Enryu and Maria from an intense 10 Day Meditation Retreat at the Great Vow Buddhist Monastery. Thank you both for sharing highlights of your […]
Supriti shared knowledge from the Vedic/yogic teachings- The physiological-spiritual context for mudras (hand postures), bandhas (locks between various body parts) and contact points.Placing the tongue behind the back of the […]
We read the words of a Lakota Elder on the sensibilities of traditional First People: the gifts of SILENCE: We Indians know about silence.We aren’t afraid of it.In fact, to us […]
The experience of love is really the understanding that you and i are are the same being, that your being and my being is the same being. The understanding that […]
Establishing Receptive Attention (shared by Enryu from her many years of Classical Indian Dance Training) Establishing receptive attention in the Body-bring attention the hands, feet, and spine and trace the […]
So-Hum Breathing Meditation So = Higher consciousnessHum = Individual Self This divine mantra is constantly occurring through the breath of every living being. Each time we breathe in, the sound […]
We are all very familiiar with confusion and quandary when facing certain decisions in our lives. We feel frozen and caught in the pros and cons the mind presents us […]
Ram Dass was born Richard Alpert to a Jewish family in Boston. His landmark 1971 book, Be Here Now, opens with his origin story: He shares the essence of universal […]
We come together, to “just sit”. We listen to the silence. We listen to our thoughts, We listen to our feelings and emotions. Not concentration, only awareness of all the […]
On the subject of LISTENING from the space of AWARENESS, witnessing awareness, Sakshi, Shravana, non-judgmental, healing, rejuvenating….SILENCE. Sue read for us: The Winter of ListeningDavid Whyte No one but me […]
We watched: Getting Back to Clarity In 10 seconds | Rupert Spira When you feel depressed, what is to be done? Simply go back to your essential nature. Trace your way back, disentangle yourself from the content of experience […]
We watched Your Real Nature | What are You | Swami Sarvapriyananda Continuing on the subject of: How to we remember our true nature in the midst of daily life? In […]
We come together, to “just sit”. We listen to the silence. We listen to our thoughts, We listen to our feelings and emotions. Not concentration, only awareness of all the […]
A practical tool from the Yogic tradition was shared as an aid to alleviate anxiety and stress. Sometimes, aids to sitting meditation can be very helpful to calm the mind. […]
by Rupert Spira Is it possible to live free of anxiety? Rupert is asked this common question by someone who says that they approach so many life situations with a feeling […]
Enryu read from the book called Path of Aliveness by Christian Dillo Encouraged to remain unmoving and withhold any attempt to make it go away. Whatever your experience is, open […]
Enryu shared some teachings from the Lojong practice: Lojong was originally brought to Tibet by an Indian Buddhist teacher named Atisha. It is a mind training practice in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition and is based on a set of […]
Tilopa (988–1069) was an Indian tantric practitioner and discovered the mahamudra process, a set of spiritual practices that greatly accelerated the process of attaining enlightenment. Enryu opened the discussion sharing […]
Vedanta is one of the world’s most ancient religious philosophies and one of its broadest. Based on the Vedas, the sacred scriptures of India, Vedanta affirms the oneness of existence, […]
It is precious to be sitting together after a summer hiatus. Thank you all for our gathering. Dr. Vasant Lad was the teacher we listened to on Youtube at our […]
The Place In Everyone That Has Never Been Hurt | Rupert Spira There is a place in everyone that has never been hurt and is always at peace. A woman […]
There shall be no consciousness of mine dependent on anything. Anathapindikovada Sutta Our last gathering was dedicated to Micky, Enryu’s beloved dog. Enryu shared a picture of Micky “transitioning beautifully” she said: […]
Sue’s Comments last week inspired the selection of this talk, especially her concluding remarks on “effort”. She wrote: Another concept that has been very helpful to me recently is the […]
The underlying teaching inspiring and expressed during our gatherings is the remembrance of our reality, true nature of non-duality: he underlying universal truth of shared space being, non-duality is expressed in […]
The Direct Path Swami Sarvapriyananda gives a discourse on the direct path of Advaita Vedanta. Vedanta is one of the world’s most ancient religious philosophies and one of its broadest. […]