Remembering Wednesday. Jill’s gentle companion dog.
On the occasion of the death of a beloved pet – Wednesday, Jill’s companion, dog, we sat in silence, her presence palpable. Sending love and peace to Jill and her family and Wednesday, through this mysterious, familiar transition and a knowing of eternity,, our true nature.
Rough, Cold Dry yet Damp…FALL and CONSTIPATION – Macro and microcosm mirroring. VATA – Air and Ether elements aggravated inside and out.
Alleviating and soothing with warm and unctuous foods….
Mind and Body grounding and calming….
We continued developing a sequence of 8 Breathworks:
- Daily Pranayama:1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th 6th in the sequence practiced today.
- Bhastrika (Bellows breath)
- Kapalabhati follows (Shining Skull)
- Anuloma viloma
- Agni Sara follows
- Brahmari (Bee’s Breath
- Utjayi breath (breath of victory