About this event

My name is Geoff and I’m a 25-year veteran of the “yoga scene”. I’ve been teaching yoga for 18 years and involved in Men’s Groups for 5. I run my own morning yoga program in Vancouver: https://firstlightyoga.ca/
I hear from a lot of you in your 30’s, 40’s, 50’s and beyond, telling me that your body is “tight” and “stiff” and that you’re “not flexible enough” to do x, y or z activity.
I also hear all too often of men getting injured when trying to start or restart a fitness program after a period of inactivity – setting themselves back instead of getting ahead.
I am here to address all of that and to help you improve your overall health, through mobility and breath-based practices, as well as lifestyle habit adjustments.
I want you to:
be able to still pull on your own pants and take yourself for a walk until the day you die.
be able to effortlessly get up and down off the floor to play with your kids and grandkids.
live in a body that moves the way it evolved to move,
have a mind still capable of clear thinking.
wake up inspired and energized for your life each day
I know two things very well:
– Breath-based, strength-focused movement-meditation
– Healthy lifestyle habits based on Circadian rhythm
I am inviting you to join me for three Stiff Guys’ Club Taster Sessions.
Therein, I will combine all my skills and knowledge, in the best way I know how, to help the average “Stiff Guy”:
I will teach you how to make all your joints work better.
I will teach you easy maintenance routines to keep the joints functioning well.
I will teach you how to stay injury-free, whatever activity you want to pursue
I will teach you breathing practices that will give you both energy and calm mental focus.
I will teach you about Wild Habits vs Domesticated Habits and how to go with the flow instead of fighting the current.
I will NOT take any of this too seriously, so that we can laugh at ourselves, remain light-hearted and make friends with one another.
These sessions will be for MEN ONLY (and those who identify as Male).
Because I’ve seen first-hand the benefits of men gathering together for a purpose.
Because men who don’t feel at home in a yoga class need somewhere to go (that’s not a gym) to work on their health, fitness & mindset.
Because that’s my preference – I want to work only with Men (and those who identify as Male) on this project.
This is for you if:
You identify with being physically active, BUT also stiff, “not flexible”, out of shape, or often injured.
You want to feel more at home and capable in your body and look after it better.
You’ve heard meditation is a good idea but have never gotten around to it.
You tried yoga before and hated it
You don’t wake up feeling refreshed and ready each morning
Your digestion could use a tune-up
You like the idea of an all-male class, that won’t take itself too seriously
You think we should go for a beer after class
This is not for you if:
You don’t identify as a Man
You’re already a master of mobility, meditation and breathwork
You’re not interested in making small changes to your daily habits, to benefit your health
You’re not prepared to be part of a group
You take yourself too seriously
Join one session or all four.
The sessions will work best if you commit to all four. But you can just pick one or two if you like.
Session Dates:
- June 10
- June 17
- June 24
- July 1st
There’s a great brew-pub just down the street from class. Heading there afterwards for a beer will be encouraged.
About Me:
Here’s my stuff: https://firstlightyoga.ca/