In this weekend series, you will explore your inner world through practice, movement and reflection.
PLEASE NOTE: This is a three-day event, with the Friday being held at Vancouver Co-Housing Yoga Studio, 1733 East 33rd Avenue and the Saturday and Sunday here at BE.
Connecting to Our Inner Powers
In the midst of world events, we often feel powerless. But we can tap into the powers that we already have. What are these powers and how do we use them? How can we direct our energy to benefit ourselves and those around us?
In this workshop series, you will explore your inner world through practice, movement and reflection. You are welcome to join one, two or all three offerings. Please wear comfortable clothing and bring a journal.
Power of Presence: Being Here Now
Friday May 2nd, 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Location: Vancouver Co-Housing Yoga Studio, 1733 East 33rd Avenue
Kensington-Cedar Cottage Neighbourhood. There is street parking and it’s easily reachable by bus.
What does it mean to be present in the moment? In this evening workshop, you will focus on relaxing your body, attuning your senses and breathing. By expanding awareness and listening to yourself and to those around you, you can catch glimmers of intuition. Inviting in energy, visualized as Light, you can replenish and renew.
Find out: Who are you when you are really present? What is the power of presence?
The Power of Choice: Awakening to Potential
Saturday May 3rd, 1 – 4 p.m.
Location: Bridge & Enrich Lives Society, 718 East 20th Avenue (Fraser and 20th)
There is lots of free street parking and it’s easily reachable by bus
“One of the greatest powers we have, although it is often unrecognized, is the power of choice.” -Swami Radha
Where do you want to go? How can you make courageous choices that support your direction?
This retreat offers ways to open to your own potential. Through watching your mind, you can start to understand how your thoughts influence your attitude and actions. What would happen if you take control of this power and direct it toward greater freedom?
In this workshop you will imagine and then move towards an ideal. What arises? What are the obstacles? Includes journaling, visualization and walking meditation.
The Power of Love: Listening to your Heart
Sunday, May 4th 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Location: Bridge & Enrich Lives Society, 718 East 20th Avenue (Fraser and 20th)
There is lots of free parking and it’s easily reachable by bus.
“The Heart is symbolic for the centre of our spiritual being–limitless compassion and knowledge beyond the intellect.” – Swami Radha
What does your heart say? Through silence and dialogue, through written reflection and spiritual practice, you can invite your mind to settle and open to your heart’s messages. As we create sacred space together, you can connect with a more subtle level of awareness. Find out how listening to the wisdom of your inner Light, the centre of love, can improve your relationships – first to yourself, then to those around you.
For more information: EVENTBRITE WAITING LIST