Clearlight Yoga: A guided meditation by Michael Johnson

Michael Johnson is a compelling mix of creative yoga instructor and curious student of the mind. The root of his interest in meditation lies in its ability to help with neurological disorders and for developing wellbeing. Michael’s worldview and meditation practiced changed when he read Buddha’s Brain by Rick Hanson and Richard Mendius. In this book, they explain how we can literally reshape our brain for greater happiness, love and wisdom through a combination of modern science and ancient teachings. Implementing these teachings into his own life, Michael eventually divested himself of the dogmatic & religious interpretations of meditation and instead focused on a more scientific approach.
He brings awareness to the foundations of meditation from various traditions including Zen (Dogen’s rules for meditation), Vipasana (Midnfulness, awareness of breath and body scanning), Vedic teachings (chakras), Ashtanga Yoga of Patanjali, Metta practices from Tibetan Buddhism bringing a systematic flow to his guided meditation.
– Ānapānasmṛti ≈ mindfulness of inhaling and exhaling
– Vipaśyanā ≈ insight
– Maitrī ≈ loving-kindness
– Vicāra ≈ inquiry

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