Zen Master Roshi Jiyu Kennett on Pride and Inadequacy

Pride and Inadequacy are two sides of one coin.

Zen Master Roshi Jiyu Kennett

Conceit, A Dharma talk by Rev. Meian Elbert, Abbess of Shasta Abbey


She speaks about conceit where there are several meanings to the word and one meaning is it is an idea , a conception. Nowadays we tend to think of conceit as a kind of Pride…. somebody praises you and if you’re conceited, thinking we’re better than other people. It can mean thinking we’re worse than other people because that’s a kind of conceit also. Most of us compare ourselves with other people a lot of the time – it’s a part of the critical mind to which we are all prone: seeing fault in other people or seeing thoughts in ourselves as well kind of conceit in a sense comparing making endless comparisons between ourselves and others. If we didn’t make comparisons there’d be no judgment no ground for criticism. All this comparison is not the reality, it’s just an idea we have so that’s related to conceit in the oldest sense, a conceit of something that really isn’t true. The Buddha said:  thinking I’m better than somebody else is deluded thinking,  I’m worse than somebody else is equally deluded and even thinking I’m equal to somebody else is deluded. And we all do this we all compare ourselves with others it’s a habit of mind that we might often not even be aware of. It’s just so endemic somehow if we tend to think generally that we’re better than other people we tend to look down on them and we don’t really respect them. You might be dismissive or rude, you might prejudge somebody based on our own biases or maybe we just don’t like that person so we tend to think they’re less good than we are in some way or we think they’re not as smart or as wise or competent or whatever as we are. We might not even be aware that we’re thinking we’re Superior to other people. It’s just a habit of mind we are caught into and we don’t even see it because we’re used to it or we think it’s true: “well yes I really am better than other people! What’s the problem? I’m seeing clearly.” Or you might think: oh no I’m not like that I think everybody’s equal I don’t think I’m better than other people I respect everybody but if we look more closely we might see those little seeds of conceit little waves that we think we’re better than somebody else because we all have them. We might have a little bit of conceit but praise is always in relation to unpraise! …it’s a proud vs inadequacy thing as Rev. Master Jiyu used to say: the two sides of one coin. We we try to prop ourselves up if we’re feeling badly about something. We look for thoughts on another person to make us feel better sometimes…thinking I’m anything if deluded. it’s separating ourselves off from other people: there’s me over here and then others over there. And this is the false conceit that the Buddha talks about: the false view of oneself that we think is real. …Our body is impermanent, painful and subject to changes. it will age it’ll change and eventually it’ll die and it’s just a body we’ve been given. There’s no cause for pride in it at all. The illusion of being a me, a self with its attributes a strong body or a weak mind-all those attributes that we might attribute to ourselves. In fact they all change they all come and go, Nothing lasts forever. Our minds change constantly – thoughts-they’re not our own. Whoever we think we are, we’re responsible for what we do with them. We can actually keep letting go over and over and over.


What is Santosha

From an attitude of true contentment (Santosha), unexcelled happiness, mental comfort, joy and satisfaction, are obtained.

Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

Dot Fisher-Smith on Awe

Awe is all around us. With a little intentionality, we can reclaim our sense of wonder in the everyday, ordinary moments of life. Perhaps awe, while an ordinary response to the extraordinary, is also an extraordinary response to the ordinary.

Dot Fisher-Smith: To Be In Awe – WISDOM from a 96 year old

To Be In Awe

Awe is all around us. With a little intentionality, we can reclaim our sense of wonder in the everyday, ordinary moments of life. Perhaps awe, while an ordinary response to the extraordinary, is also an extraordinary response to the ordinary.

Dot Fisher Smith:
 To Be In Awe – WISDOM from a 96 year old

What gives you a sense of awe? You might imagine standing on a wide-open plain with a storm approaching, or holding the tiny finger of a newborn baby. That word, awe – the feeling of being in the presence of something vast that transcends your understanding of the world – is often associated with the extraordinary. But you don’t need remarkable circumstances to encounter awe. You can find it every day, often in the humblest places. Staring up at a starry sky; looking at a sculpture that makes you shudder; listening to a medley of instruments joining into one complex, spine-tingling melody – those experiences remind us that we’re part of something that will exist long after us. Luckily, we don’t need to wait until we stumble upon it – we can seek it out. Awe is all around us. With a little intentionality, we can reclaim our sense of wonder in the everyday, ordinary moments of life. Perhaps awe, while an ordinary response to the extraordinary, is also an extraordinary response to the ordinary. Featuring Dot Fisher-Smith. Filmed in Ashland, Oregon, USA.

The First Step on the Path to Self-Realization

THE YAMAS OF PATANJALI: The First Step on the Path to Self-Realization

“Yama” in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras represents the foundation of yogic ethics, providing a framework for cultivating a compassionate lifestyle that supports the pursuit of spiritual growth and self-realization.

Patanjali’s Ashtanga Yoga (Eight) Limbs of Yoga

We all want Samadhi. We all want Bliss. But the very first step that will guaranatee us those high states, we vehemently avoid, or at least try our best to ignore. Every change we want to see in the world, we must first perfect within ourselves. What Patanjali wanted of each Yogi, was not being “nice” and speak the truth and not hurt others, but he wanted us to develop and awaken Power through the Yamas. Are you ready for that?

In Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, Yama (Sanskrit: यम) refers to the first of the eight limbs of classical yoga, also known as Ashtanga Yoga. Yama consists of five ethical restraints or abstinences, which serve as the foundation for a yogic lifestyle. These restraints are essential for cultivating inner awareness, self-discipline, and spiritual growth.

The five Yamas, as outlined in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, are:

  1. Ahiṃsā (Non-violence): Refraining from harming or causing suffering to oneself or others, physically, verbally, or mentally.
  2. Satya (Truthfulness): Speaking truthfully and honestly, without deceit or falsehood.
  3. Asteya (Non-stealing): Refraining from taking what is not given, including material possessions, ideas, or opportunities.
  4. Brahmacarya (Moderation un the use of the Senses): Practicing sexual restraint and moderation, and avoiding exploitation or harm to others.
  5. Aparigraha (Non-covetousness or Non-possessiveness): Letting go of attachment to material possessions, desires, and outcomes, and cultivating a sense of detachment and inner freedom.

These Yamas are not mere moral codes, but rather a means to purify the mind and prepare it for deeper states of consciousness. By observing these restraints, one can:

  • Cultivate self-awareness and introspection
  • Develop emotional intelligence and empathy
  • Purify the mind and emotions
  • Prepare for the practice of meditation and concentration
  • Attain a sense of inner peace and liberation

In summary, Yama in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras represents the foundation of yogic ethics, providing a framework for cultivating a virtuous and compassionate lifestyle that supports the pursuit of spiritual growth and self-realization.

How can journaling help us with Yamas?

Thoughts disentangle themselves, passing over lips and
through pencil tips.

Michael Hyatt on Journalling

How can journalling help us with Yamas?

Unprocessed, undigested thoughts and emotions are the root cause underlying the physical manifestations of what we know as trauma, mental illness and also physical illness according to Eastern teachings. Enabling the release and expression of suppressed emotions is the start to healing. Journaling is a very powerful tool in enabling such expression and hence, initiating the healing process.

Michael Hyatt on Journalling

Thoughts disentangle themselves, passing over lips and through pencil tips.

Michael Hyatt

Yoga Sutras of Patanjali on True Contentment

From an attitude of true contentment (Santosha), unexcelled happiness, mental comfort, joy and satisfaction, are obtained.

Yoga Sutras of Patanjali on True Contentment

Madame Guyon on Rest Before God

Madame Guyon_ Attentive Silence as a Counterpractice for a Digital Age


Now do you understand what Silence is, it is being Still, ceasing your efforts to make things happen…no sooner do the bodily eyes close, than the soul is wrapped in prayer… it is amazing that so great a blessing enjoys an internal converse
which external matters cannot interrupt.

Madame Guyon, Christian Mystic

Christian mystic Jeanne Guyon’s devotional posture centered on what some call the inward way, or the “prayer of silence,” a means of communicating with God in humility, inward simplicity, and contemplation. Her situation was couched in a context that was quite different from ours, exacerbated by ruling authorities that were skeptical of any ideas that did not strictly conform to traditional thought. Guyon was able to break the bonds of her captivity through perseverance in the spiritual practice of attentive silence. Christians and others in the digital age can enjoy similar freedom from the temptations, injustices, and distractions that may hold them captive when use of mobile media is tempered by attentive silence and the goods discovered in a place of solitude. The attentive silence of Guyon helped her develop a holy listening that is much needed in our busy world of words.

By Michel Aubert/ Élisabeth Sophie Chéron – Bibliothèque nationale de France, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=38404886

Roland Trujillo reads and discusses On Rest in the context of Spiritual Progress. Roland talks about stillness and detachment and how meditation helps the sincere seeker find this blessed state. The Universal language of silence wherein GOD is equated as “Being in Presence” Being in the present moment, being aware, being out of thought and being timeless. Mindfulness practices are also talked about from the context of the digital aga an dhow relevant Guyons work is todays stressed demographics.

Christan mystics “controversial” for their engagement with this kind of prayer of silence to silence in silence – quietutde

Minutes 0-5 Reverence of silence in daily life – respect, humility, listening, Guyon found her strength and resilience in silence – in jail and unto death

Minute 31:Powerful rendering of yoga, silence and strength.

A beautiful sharing after the video clips” Patrick sharing : silence dissipated a conflicted parking situation – no ego to take the blows when he simply decided to listen to the other, steeped in anger – allowing its full expression simply took it to rest and resolution. Emily shared the power of listening – not personlizxing – just listening
“I remembered the importance of remembering our interconnectedness – who is fighting with whom – no words needed – there is no one other than parts of “me”.