“I wonder what we mean by a new year.
Is it a fresh year, a year that is totally afresh, something that has never happened before?…
This is rather an important question, if you will follow it – to turn all the days of our life into something which you have never seen before. That means a brain that has freed itself from its conditioning, from its characteristics, from its idiosyncrasies and the opinions, and the judgements, and the convictions.
Can we put all that aside and really start a new year? It would be marvelous if we could do that…
Can we change the whole direction of our lives? Is that possible?…
Can we drop all that and start anew with a clean slate and see what comes out of that, with our hearts and minds?“
— Jiddu Krishnamurti on the New Year, Madras, 1st January, 1985