The “Six Precepts” of Tilopa — Discussion

Tilopa (988–1069) was an Indian tantric practitioner and discovered the mahamudra process, a set of spiritual practices that greatly accelerated the process of attaining enlightenment.

גלגל האש at he.wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Enryu opened the discussion sharing his “Six Precepts” quoted in Powell Zen and Reality (1975):

  • No thought, 
  • No reflection, 
  • No analysis, 
  • No cultivation, 
  • No intention; 
  • Let it settle itself.

Without mind, without meditation, without analysis, without practice, without the will, let it all be so.

The “Six Precepts” of Tilopa

The Eight divine qualities that bless a healer (Ashta Devatas) from Ayurveda teachings were also shared:

8 Divine Qualities of a Physician

  • Buddhi – Intelligence
  • Siddhi – Intuition/ Perfection
  • Smrti – Memory
  • Medha – Wisdom
  • Dhrti – Fortitude
  • Kirti – Reputation
  • Kshama – Forgiving nature
  • Daya – Compassion

The “Six Precepts” of Tilopa

גלגל האש at he.wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

“No thought, no reflection, no analysis, No cultivation, no intention; Let it settle itself.”

— “Six Precepts” of Tilopa

The Charaka Samhita in Praise of Food (and Meditation)

Supraja gowda, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

“The life of all living things is food and all the world seeks food. Complexion, clarity, good voice, long life, understanding, happiness, satisfaction, growth, strength and intelligence are all established in food.”

— Charaka Samhita (text on Ayurveda)

Does the food you ate today affect your meditation?

Living a life of Renunciation | Swami Sarvapriyananda

Vedanta is one of the world’s most ancient religious philosophies and one of its broadest. Based on the Vedas, the sacred scriptures of India, Vedanta affirms the oneness of existence, the divinity of the soul, and the harmony of religions.

Swami Sarvapriyananda was the featured teacher last week He is the resident minister at the Vedanta Society of New York.

The subject of “Letting go”, of renunciation is universal.

Does it mean one has to put on long black or orange or other various coloured robes and leave family behind? No!

This video is from a Q&A session where someone is asking about becoming a Sannyas or a renunciate and Swami Sarvapriyananda  responds by saying that it is about attitude of mind and inner space that lives in compassion and wisdom. Enlightenment is for everybody.

Anna Breytenbach on Our Relationship with the Natural World

The relationships we can develop with the natural world can help us to heal our wounds of disconnection.

— Anna Breytenbach, How To Hear What Nature Is Saying

Ayurveda’s Secrets for a Peaceful Mind and The Flow of Autumn: Liberation through Listening

It is precious to be sitting together after a summer hiatus. Thank you all for our gathering.

Dr. Vasant Lad was the teacher we listened to on Youtube at our last Silent Meditation gathering. He brought Ayurveda to the United States by founding the Ayurvedic Institute in Albuquerque, New Mexico in 1984. He continues to write extensively and lecture through educational webinars at

Ayurveda’s Secrets for a Peaceful Mind 

Your true nature is peace. Your true nature is awareness, And awareness is silence.

Dr. Vasant Lad discusses our relationship to silence and how to practice living in awareness without judgement or desire. Once we are able to live moment to moment without noise in our minds, then we have a peaceful mind.

The Flow of Autumn: Liberation through Listening

There are many paths of meditation, each unique in their own way. But the simplest? Just being in tune with nature around you. Dr, Vasant Lad unearths the simple tactics that help drive awareness of your surroundings and inspire you to keep your eyes peeled for the tiny and grand intricacies surrounding you.

Every house has a shadow, every tree has a shadow, and without a shadow there is no light and without light there is no shadow. Every shade has a life. This is all a moment of meditation.

Swami Sarvapriyanda on Seeking Peace

Subhobrata Chakravorti, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

If you want peace my child, always seek to have less rather than more.

— Swami Sarvapriyanda paraphrasing a teaching of Christ

Vasant Lad on Shadows and Light

Every house has a shadow, every tree has a shadow, and without a shadow there is no light and without light there is no shadow…This moment is meditation.

— Vasant Lad

Vasant Lad on Flying the Arrow of Thought

Littldragon, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Unless you pull the bow, the arrow of thought cannot fly.

— Vasant Lad (“Strands of Eternity”)

The Place In Everyone That Has Never Been Hurt & Cut the Fluff aka Ignorance!

The Place In Everyone That Has Never Been Hurt | Rupert Spira

This clip was taken from one of Rupert’s webinars in May, 2022.

There is a place in everyone that has never been hurt and is always at peace. A woman from Kyiv in the Ukraine has been asked to speak to people experiencing intense suffering and unfair conditions, such as a war hotspot where they have no opportunity to leave. She asks how she can best support these people, even if they do not have an understanding of non-duality. Rupert responds that even in intense situations there is something in the background of our experience that remains unharmed by it. Whatever it is in each of us that is aware of our experience now, is exactly the same as that which was aware of our experience 10 years ago, 20 years ago, and that doesn’t change. So even in the intensity of experience there is a place in yourself, your being, that is free, still, silent, at peace and it lies just behind the content of experience – that is, our thoughts, feelings and perceptions. This place shines in us as the knowledge ‘I am’ and it is always present, always available. In each pause throughout the day go back to this place inside yourself, the silence of being, and touch it again. That is the peace that everyone has been looking for.

 “There is a place in the soul where you’ve never been wounded.”

Meister Eckhart

We also watched Francis Lucille on the subject of surrender, trust and the guide-post that is the path of least resistance in doing the right thing. Taking the right action from this space.

Cut the Fluff aka Ignorance! Eliminate unnecessary thoughts/actions/emotions to reveal the True Path | Francis Lucille 

“Eliminate the fluff between pure awareness and the fake ‘I’.” 
0:00 Trusting the principle of least action 
 Global surrender 
 Every note is necessary

Acceptance does not mean it is a Passive space. Action comes. Doing the right thing comes.
The guide post is the path of least resistance – it is experienced with an effortlessness – an ease.

This is the play of Being and Doing – Being Awareness and Doing in our current form of a human
BEING the ocean AND also experiencing the joys and enthusiasm of a dancing wave, clashing, playing, interacting with other waves.

Bowing in deep gratitude for our training together,
