Eckhart Tolle on Love and Peace

Glimpses of love and joy or brief moments of deep peace are possible whenever a gap occurs in the stream of thought.  For most people, such gaps happen rarely and only accidentally, in moments when the mind is rendered “speechless,” sometimes triggered by great beauty, extreme physical exertion, or even great danger. Suddenly, there is inner stillness.

And within that stillness there is a subtle but intense joy,
there is love, there is peace. 

— Eckhart Tolle

Photo credit: Kyle Hoobin, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Vasant Lad on Sankhya Philosophy

Akasha (space) offers the space and freedom for each cell and organism to exist. Without space, there is no possibility for communiucation among the cells. Akasa predominates in all spaces and cavities of the body including cranial space, sinus space, joints, pores, tubes, arteries and veins. It is the subtle element of sound that gives birth to space.

Vasant Lad, Sankhya Philosophy

Vagbhata on Agni, or Fire

The Sanskrit word for “fire,” agni is viewed as the very source of life, governing not only the digestion of food but also the digestion process of thoughts, emotions, and life experience. Ayurveda teaches that impaired agni is at the root of every imbalance, and that tending this fire in the digestive system is the first step in restoring balance.


Dr. Vasant Lad on Hum Meditation

When sound, breath, and awareness come together, it becomes light… So Hum meditation properly practiced leads to the union of the individual with the universal Cosmic Consciousness. You will go beyond thought, beyond time and space, beyond cause and effect.
Limitations will vanish.

Dr. Vasant Lad

Daaji on How You Can Regulate Your Mind

Single handedly, what is the root cause, the infectious thing that creates a disease of the soiling of the environment, water, soil, air? To my understanding, one fundamental thing if we can tackle, will solve these problems. that is, regulate your thought pollution. How can you regulate your mind? Embrace spirituality. Meditate.

Daaji, Heartfulness Meditation

Dogen Zenji on Serene Reflection Meditation

Just sitting with no deliberate thought is the important aspect of serene reflection meditation.

– Dogen Zenji

This is Why You Must Be Alone During Your Spiritual Journey

Highlights from our previous gathering

Single handedly, what is the root cause, the infectious thing that creates a disease of the soiling of the environment, water, soil, air? To my understanding, one fundamental thing if we can tackle, will solve these problems. that is, regulate your thought pollution. How can you regulate your mind?Embrace spirituality. Meditate.

Daaji, Heartfulness Meditation

This is Why You Must Be Alone During Your Spiritual Journey

We also watched this video form Swami Sarvapriyananda.

In this video, we delve into the common struggles faced by those on a spiritual journey, from dealing with others’ concerns and facing loneliness to navigating existential crises and inner doubts. These experiences, though challenging, are integral to facing life’s showerings with courage and for spiritual awakening.

Rupert Spira on the Location of Consciousness

Although consciousness looks through your eyes, it does not mean it is located behind your eyes. Where could it be located?

Rupert Spira

Vasant Lad on Peace and Sound

No no no. There is no difference between the peace and sound.
Sound is peace and peace is sound, There is a great deal of peace
when you listen to the call of a bird, the cry of a child or a bell of a church.
That peace is your awareness.
You walk with peace, you eat with peace and you talk with peace.

Vasant Lad, Ayurveda Physician

Rupert Spira on Separate Selves

All apparently separate selves are always tending towards their source, their being, seeking peace, happiness, love and beauty.
In reality, of course, there is no real separate self either to seek happiness or not to seek. It is infinite being that, seeming to become separate, attracts itself back to itself.

Rupert Spira