How You Can Support Bridge & Enrich: A Sacred Temple Studio Space for Holistic Arts and Practitioners

I am speaking to you from Bridge & Enrich or just BE as we call this sacred temple space that so many of you have graced with your presence over the years. Today, the eve of Spring equinox of 2023, I share with you the real possibility of closure of this space… AND with this sharing, my heart also says: “It is not time yet.” The next chapter of BE awaits. A reminder “keep going… going, going, going on beyond.” Expansion awaits for all of us… to awaken to our true nature, our peak potential, our shared space of BEing. What will it be for this sacred space in Vancouver as it approaches its 10th year? It is up to you!

With your generosity of heart, we can surely sustain the shortfall in our monthly fixed costs.

Please consider becoming a patron of BE

Help keep the flame of our collective intention alive, enriching ourselves and all in our lives to fulfill our deepest longing… to play and rest with our hearts full and joyous, expansive, at peace and awake. 

Within the doors of Bridge & Enrich is the ever present invitation to look within and to rest in presence, with closure and peace with the past and an openness to infinite possibilities every moment. To partake in the dance of life, fully; bridging our perception of limitations, with reverence for our bodies and minds, with an array of tools and teachings, to express and radiate our peak potential! You choose, or simply rest in choiceless awareness.


How to Donate

Contributions to Bridge & Enrich can be made in the following ways: