Madame Guyon on Rest Before God

Madame Guyon_ Attentive Silence as a Counterpractice for a Digital Age

Now do you understand what Silence is, it is being Still, ceasing your efforts to make things happen…no sooner do the bodily eyes close, than the soul is wrapped in prayer… it is amazing that so great a blessing enjoys an internal converse
which external matters cannot interrupt.

Madame Guyon, Christian Mystic

Christian mystic Jeanne Guyon’s devotional posture centered on what some call the inward way, or the “prayer of silence,” a means of communicating with God in humility, inward simplicity, and contemplation. Her situation was couched in a context that was quite different from ours, exacerbated by ruling authorities that were skeptical of any ideas that did not strictly conform to traditional thought. Guyon was able to break the bonds of her captivity through perseverance in the spiritual practice of attentive silence. Christians and others in the digital age can enjoy similar freedom from the temptations, injustices, and distractions that may hold them captive when use of mobile media is tempered by attentive silence and the goods discovered in a place of solitude. The attentive silence of Guyon helped her develop a holy listening that is much needed in our busy world of words.

By Michel Aubert/ Élisabeth Sophie Chéron – Bibliothèque nationale de France, Public Domain,

Roland Trujillo reads and discusses On Rest in the context of Spiritual Progress. Roland talks about stillness and detachment and how meditation helps the sincere seeker find this blessed state. The Universal language of silence wherein GOD is equated as “Being in Presence” Being in the present moment, being aware, being out of thought and being timeless. Mindfulness practices are also talked about from the context of the digital aga an dhow relevant Guyons work is todays stressed demographics.

Christan mystics “controversial” for their engagement with this kind of prayer of silence to silence in silence – quietutde

Minutes 0-5 Reverence of silence in daily life – respect, humility, listening, Guyon found her strength and resilience in silence – in jail and unto death

Minute 31:Powerful rendering of yoga, silence and strength.

A beautiful sharing after the video clips” Patrick sharing : silence dissipated a conflicted parking situation – no ego to take the blows when he simply decided to listen to the other, steeped in anger – allowing its full expression simply took it to rest and resolution. Emily shared the power of listening – not personlizxing – just listening
“I remembered the importance of remembering our interconnectedness – who is fighting with whom – no words needed – there is no one other than parts of “me”.