What Is Pitta? | Ayurveda Explained

When fire and water combine, they create steam. Fire is hot, mobile and sharp and water is liquid and “oily. These are “pitta” qualities known to govern the workings of your body and mind. “Pitta” helps metabolize your food and metabolize your emotions as well as your experiences and thoughts. When pitta is in balance, one has a keen intellect, balanced emotions and a natural proclivity for
problem solving. 

—Ayurveda teaching on Pitta—
Let’s talk about pitta. In Ayurveda, pitta is one of the three doshas—energetic forces of nature that make up the universe and everything in it, including us! Pitta aligns with the elements of fire and water. It governs the digestion of food, thoughts, and emotions. When it comes to personality, pitta characteristics include a keen intellect, strong metabolism, and a big appetite for adventure. Excess pitta can cause the body, mind, and emotions to feel overheated. This type of imbalance can happen to anyone, regardless of their Ayurvedic constitution or body type.

In this video, we’ll dive deeper into what pitta means, what throws pitta out of balance, and how to identify the pitta dosha in your environment, in yourself, and in others.

❀ Think you might have a pitta imbalance or want to discover your dosha? Take tthis quiz: http://bit.ly/banyan-take-the-quiz
❀ Learn more about pitta on our website: http://bit.ly/banyan-all-about-pitta 

Check out the other videos from this series:
❀ What Are the Doshas?    • What Are the Doshas? | Ayurveda Expla…   
❀ What Is Vata?    • What Is Vata? | Ayurveda Explained   
❀ What Is Kapha?    • What Is Kapha? | Ayurveda Explained